Monday, August 4, 2008

JD's Color Commentary Corner - Aug 4, 2008

The Frank's "Limited Edition" collection edition

The Callers

Trucker Robert... Noth
ing but "yada yada yada yada"... blah blah blah sports... yada yada yada... some'n' some'n' some'n'... Frank impresses us with his vast sports knowledge... he knew the first name was "Bret"... The second most uselss information on the show since Frank's random trivia on 50's tv shows on dvd.

CR from PA ... calls to give Frank an ... updates Frank on "" on our latest content... (we approve!)

Tom in Tucson ... we like the alliteration! Tuscon pride is right around the corner... October... and Frank needs to check his email... more to sort out off the air.

John in WI... has the reason why (some) people likes listening... Star Trek analogies abound... we approve!

Hirashio... lives near some
part of PA... where the story of the motorcyclist encounter with the

Jim in Ontario... a little prematurely, wants to discuss the beheading on the public transit system.

Maria in Colo... actually... Illinois... has fallen in l
ove with Mad Men

Gary in Chattanooga ... wants to know the name of a movie about concentration camp... "The Counterfeiters"... and wants to know about "The Car"...

Brian in Toledo... "The Car"... was about a satanic movie? And the Jeffrey Dahmer Movie

Paul from Mass... finally got in his 2 cents... worth quite a lot in Peso's! (And plugs away our site... he's always plugging something... or someone ha! HA!)

and callers "call in if you want to see Frank in a towel!"...

Frank in Windom... answers to Frank's plea for support to only wear a towel... with "Aren't you fat?" and goes on to say that Frank needs to support a positive image of the gay community... and should stay clothed.

Trucker Sharon... some lesbian comedian references... they escape us!

The People have spoken!!! Should Frank wear a towel to the YMCA Mr. Gay Philadelphia?

14 votes so far for the towel... 8 (+plus 4 in one car) against... and 1 for Frank to wear living room drapes. One for Frank to wear the towels used to clean up the bloody mess from the Canadian bus mess, and one to wear a toilet paper roll... as Doria put it... CLASSY!! Soap on a rope and Spats...

And one to wear a Slinky... won't that get caught?!?!?!


The Bots
(we like where they went today! Quite clever!)
  • Doria Bots!!! The XXX collection!!! Who gave Greg the password to the "Naughty Doria" section?!?!?!?!
  • Dueling bots...
  • Doria finds the "Greg bots"... he has to do things we can't print here due to FCC rules and regulations.

The Jokes

"You're listening to the Frank DeForest Kelly show"... CUTE!!!

"Laura Geenea"... Greg got it "Large ween-ah"!!!! hahahaha! very good! (but we worry that Greg has been listening to Frank a little too long... the sense of humor is rubbing off...among other things).

"The Whole ratio dropped when you moved"
- Frank D.

"I'm under a doctors care" - F. DeCaro

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